In my mind this is a 5 star meal! mmm!!!
- 1 med. eggplant
- 2 medium Zucchini
- 1 sweet onion
- White balsamic vinegar
- Fresh Parmesan cheese...however much you want

- 3 tomatoes on the vine
- 2 skinless boneless chicken breasts
- 2 Tbsp. minced garlic
- Sliced mushrooms
- Worcestershire Sauce
Sprinkle Sea salt over grill (if using an inside grill). Slice up Eggplant, Zucchini, 2 tomatoes and onion. Lay out on grill and let cook until veggies are done. Turn over. Season to taste with white balsamic and let simmer for a few minutes. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, let melt then combine in a bowl and set aside. Cook chicken on half of grill over the remains of the seasonings from the vegetables. rub garlic into raw chicken while cooking. cook chicken thoroughly. On the other half of the pan, lay out slices of eggplant ( as many as you want), add one slice of tomato to each slice of eggplant and top off with cheese (my personal favorite is mozzarella but Parmesan was good too). Let grill until eggplant is done and tomato is soft. In a separate pan melt 1 Tbsp. butter. Saute 1/2 sweet onion until caramelized. Add mushrooms (as many as you want). Let saute flavor with Worcestershire sauce, let simmer.
Goes great with Crystal Light Lemonade!
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